Adaptil Collar Junior
Adaptil Collar Junior
Adaptil Collar Junior
Adaptil Collar Junior
Adaptil Collar Junior
Adaptil Collar Junior


Adaptil Collar Junior

ADAPTIL Junior is a great answer to comfort recently adopted puppies and help to make their education simpler. During adoption, ADAPTIL Junior helps in many situations such as: preventing crying during the night, support for when staying home alone, loud noises, or puppy car travel. During training, ADAPTIL Junior improves learning such as toilet training, leash walking and socialization.
Scientifically proven. Veterinary used and recommended.


Purchase options

Save £9.79
Or pay £21.33 with Pet Health Club™ discount
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Free delivery on all orders over £39.00

When to use?
Right after adoption, for puppies 8 weeks and older until the end of the socialisation period (6 months old). Each collar provides 4 weeks of constant support.

How to use?
ADAPTIL Junior is easy to use, simply place the collar snuggly around your pups neck, you should be able to place no more than 2 fingers between the collar and your dog’s skin.

How does it work?
In the wild, puppies and adult dogs often live in groups and exchange natural messages released into the air - pheromones. Mother dogs emit these calming messages during the time they are feeding their puppies and adult dogs can also, from around their ears.
During adoption, puppies experience a lot of changes. ADAPTIL Junior provides your furry friend with this pheromone, which you can't produce yourself. It supports their happiness and acclimatisation when joining a new family and experiencing changes.

How long to see the results?
Within the first week after adoption, puppies stop crying at night faster with ADAPTIL Junior. Within the first month, puppies become more confident and self-assured. They learn better and faster thanks to ADAPTIL Junior. We recommend using ADAPTIL Junior until the end of the socialisation period (6 months old).

Free Delivery

We offer free delivery for orders above £39.00 within Mainland GB